The Throne

By Lian Brook-Tyler

📜✨ On World Poetry Day, we offer you 'THE THRONE' - a provocative invitation and reflection by Lian Brook-Tyler on reclaiming your sovereignty and living your soul’s myth. ✨

The Throne

Everyone knows that Queens and Kings

are only meant for myths and as figureheads.

If one dared speak of sovereignty,

the call would resound:

who does she think she is?

So for many years,

half a lifetime in truth,

the throne was shared,

like it’s been forever.

It’s how things are done around here.

The abandoned 5 year old

holding court with tantrums,

tears and demands

that no-one leaves her.

She’s a contrary Lover

biting the very lips she wants to kiss.

The bullied teen

reigning with caution,

won’t say what she means

so that no-one can mock her.

She’s a wasted Magician

creating a small, grey life to keep her safe.

The hurt young woman

ruling with control,

always alert for attack

so that no-one can harm her.

She’s a weary Warrior,

fighting ghosts of the past.

They shared the throne for decades,

the Lover repelling love,

the Magician sabotaging magic,

the Warrior victimised by life,

all of them beset with fear,

every one of them

doing their best.

Then one day,

a new voice was heard,

it chimed

with love, grace and power.

And in time,

the others agreed to serve her.

She sat on the throne,

the Lover learned to love,

the Magician created wonders

and the Warrior took action

all in alignment with her vision.

But it’s not how things are done around here.

Others cried out

“Who does she think she is?”

And she just smiled,

for if anyone knows exactly who she is,

it’s her.

It’s said that Queen and Kings

are only meant for myths and as figureheads.

But listen out for the voice of the one

who is meant for the throne

in the centre of

your life.


Words: Lian Brook-Tyler

Photo: FairytaleDesign, Getty Images

See Lian read this potent and magical poem aloud! Click the video link below.

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