We need each other ♥️

By Lian Brook-Tyler

So many of us are waking up to being bereft of community, something that was a birthright for humans for aeons.

And perhaps those of us who are here to embark on mythical soul quests into dark forests and forgotten temples, meeting dragons and angels - metaphorically and otherwise - feel the lack of it more than most.

The vast majority of people in our culture just aren’t interested in arcane knowledge, the intricacies of consciousness, listening to the wisdom of plants and animals, or how to serve others in an ethical, sustainable way.

So those of us who are here for those things can feel alone (even if we’re fortunate enough to be surrounded by people who love us), or at the very least have few people to speak to or learn from when it comes to the esoteric interests and unusual ways of living that we’re called to.

We’re here to be the healers, intuitive guides, artists, circle holders, coaches, growers of medicinal plants, spiritual mentors, and mystery-divers of all stripes - what Jonathan and I have struggled to find a collective name for for years, until we finally realised that the one thing we all have in common is being an old soul.

Curious, sensitive, visionary, and insightful beyond their years, the old soul sees the world with ancient eyes, feels the world with an ancient heart, and understands the world with an ancient soul.

It’s a LOT. ☺️

So coming back to the need for but lack of community… This was something Jonathan and I were aware of from early on in our work, and so we did what we could to bring people together in circles as much as possible, even in our 1:1 work. But then of course, even our longest crucibles would come to an end and people were cut adrift until the next time they had the opportunity to join us.

It wasn’t until we were finally ready to create UNIO this year, that we’ve begun to see our vision of a real community coming true… One in which people feel they belong, are valued, can stay as long as they want, and receive the guidance and teachings they need to journey on their soul’s quest in this lifetime.

Only a month in, we’re witnessing people…

✨ Fully expressing their unique selves in a way I haven’t seen before… Even though I’ve known some of them for years.

✨ Supporting and providing their deep gifts to each other (ones that neither Jonathan or I possess)… I always knew that we all have medicine to offer our community, but now I’m seeing it happen in ways I couldn’t have anticipated.

✨ Stretching and exhaling as they realise they have all the time in the world to do their soul work at the right pace for them… There’s no rush, UNIO isn’t going to end, and the membership cost is priced intentionally so it’s accessible and sustainable so people can join and stay as long as they want.

✨ Entering the work in a deeper way because we’re focusing on one thing at a time for a whole month… This provides space and reassurance to look at areas that may have seemed too big and overwhelming in the past, resulting in profound realisations and healing breakthroughs (and that goes for me too!)

✨ Receiving the exact support they need from me and Jonathan when they need it - via the group, the Guidance Circles, and Open Hours call - on all kinds of eclectic, soulful things, from how long their new course should be to how to how work with an I-Ching hexagram (actual examples from the last call!)… They’re receiving the personalised guidance that previously we’ve only been able to offer in our 1:1 work, and have the opportunity to listen to others receive support, and then realise it was also the thing they needed too (if you’ve never experienced this before, it’s hard to explain how this works!)

I can’t even tell you how much it means to me to see all of this happening - it reminds me of my recurring childhood dream in which I lived in a cave in the wilderness with a group of other children and a multitude of animals.

I had the magical power to fly and could also use that power to allow the other children and animals to fly alongside me - we flew out on adventures in the sunshine, through clouds, and over forests teeming with life.

There was a feeling of freedom, belonging, deep love, and of being accepted as our unique selves.

🌟 Does this sound like the kind of community your old soul has been longing for?

Our next community ceremony (and the start of the new monthly Mythical Quest) is this Tuesday, we’d love for you to be there with us - all the details are below.

You don’t need any previous experience of shamanism, alchemy, archetypes, or anything else you might have heard us talk about… Just a willingness to be part of a community and to being led - or led deeper - by your soul into your own unique myth.

All my love! ♥️


P.S. If you’d like to know more about UNIO and the old souls it’s been created for, watch or listen to the recent podcast in which Jonathan and I went deep into this.

P.PS. If you’ve never joined us for anything before, please don’t feel put off, thinking it’s some kind of exclusive in-crowd where everyone has known each other for years… Some of our members never crossed paths until UNIO, and yet, are now becoming fast (maybe forever!) friends.

Art: Shane Rounce 🙏

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This is how I discovered magic is real 🙏


The Throne