Moving through Fear

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Throwback Monday to the honeysuckle of Union


The first photo was taken this week as I sat on the swing seat amidst the honeysuckles springing back to life… the other photos taken three years ago, and shared along with these words:

🖤 AND 🤍

I planted these two different honeysuckles over the swing seat many years ago, when they were barely a foot tall, with the dream that one day they would grow to unite in the middle… now they finally do, it absolutely delights me.

I live for the “both”, the “and”, symbiosis, paradox, Light and Dark, the Ascent and the Descent, the Human and the Divine, and maybe most of all: the Masculine and the Feminine.

From Fear, this can show up as indecisive fickleness and then at the other end of the shadow pole, rigid binary thinking #autisticlibran… which I’ve spent a lifetime being made wrong for, by others and myself… and yet, from Love, it’s an expression of my truest, purest, most heartfelt soul desire.

And that is what it’s all for… the rewilding, shadow work, magic, embodiment, polarity, and spirituality is all for ONE thing (ironically)… my devotion to Divine Union.

Today the honeysuckles, tomorrow the world!

I would love to leave this here with closing credits and beautiful music announcing a nice happy ending.

But really of course, it’s not the honeysuckles and it’s not the world… it’s me, right here, right now, in every moment, moving through all the ways Fear shows up and tries to compel me to close.

And maybe it’s you too.

Moving through Fear over and over until one day, we finally unite in the middle.


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How to embark on the journey of working with a spirit or deity