There’s only ONE reason I speak about being autistic and it’s this…

By Lian Brook-Tyler

“Thank you for your posts. I’m finding sanctuary in them as I wait for the appointment to find out the results of my autism evaluation.

The result doesn’t matter in a way and in a way it supremely matters.

I am moving towards welcoming all of me in a new way.

My life already looks SO different from when I first heard you talk about women on the spectrum last July.

Thank you, Lian. I feel like you and the community you’ve gathered are holding my hand.”

“Thank you so much!
I was able to have a virtual appointment and got my results yesterday. I am on the autism spectrum- and also was diagnosed with social and generalized anxiety, largely from trying to live as a neurotypical person!

Lian, thank you for speaking about yourself and bringing attention to women on the spectrum. You were the catalyst to me coming to this understanding about myself.

Just encouragement to keep it up, you are what the world needs. ”

I receive messages like this every week… two already this week.

THIS is why I speak about being autistic and is also why I even bothered to have a diagnosis in the first place.

It’s not for me… it’s for the old me, the one who felt like she’d landed on another planet without knowing the language, etiquette or anything remotely useful but by some weird twist of fate looked exactly like the aliens so was expected to know, and was shown over and over that for all her immense efforts, she couldn’t function as required… and for the people like her.

I speak about autism for the people who feel like they don’t fit in this world and have yet to discover the precious, perfect gift they are to it.


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Decades before I knew I was autistic, ADHD or dyspraxic, I knew I was dyscalculic.