By Lian Brook-Tyler

I’ve just realised that I didn’t personally share this episode I recorded with my beloved Lucy Pearce at the time we released it a few weeks ago… it wasn’t a conscious decision not to, I share episodes to my timeline quite rarely, though this was obviously much closer to home than most so maybe there was a subconscious hiding at play.

It’s taken getting messages almost every day from people - who either are autistic or who know someone who is autistic and struggling - to make me realise how helpful this episode actually is.

I don’t have a desire to become a poster child for autism or even female autism but I DO have a devotion to truth… in this case the truth about autism and the Medicine it is for this world.

We need the sensitive ones, the dreamy ones, the ones who see things differently, the ones who can walk in both realms… and we need them now more than ever.

Lucy said it brilliantly… what doesn’t work for autistic folk doesn’t actually work well for anyone… we’re just like the canaries down the mine.

And let’s be clear, it’s the *mine* that is the problem here, and that mine is this disconnected modern culture.

I don’t know what’s next but I do know that it’s time for neurodivergents to be seen for who we actually are and the reason we came here.

That way, we all benefit… we can all be liberated from the mine.

✨ 💖 ✨


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There’s only ONE reason I speak about being autistic and it’s this…