By Lian Brook-Tyler

Recently, author and fellow autistic woman Lucy Pearce and I recorded a podcast episode about “How neurodivergent women can light the way for each other and the world”.

We’ve had so much amazing feedback on it (particularly from women who never even realised they were ND until listening) that we’re planning a part 2.

As we’ve been talking about that, she sent me this image which was the most resonant one I’ve seen about the interplay of ADHD and autism.

I’m diagnosed with autism and have often suspected I have ADHD too… this image made it clearer than ever that I have.

I have the traits of both which is in parts wonderful (and yes, this image is focused on the wonderful) and at times, challenging.

It’s challenging, for example, when my autisticness wants to go deeeeep on one thing and my ADHDness wants to do #allthethings right now.

Or when my autisticness is all sensoried out and just wants to hibernate in bed with the dogs or sit under my tree (I also spend a LOT of time in bed, in the bath and in the wild partly as a way of not getting sensoried out) whilst my ADHDness wants to connect with everyone, put a bazillion ideas in motion and party hard!

And I’m devoted to creating a sacred Union between the two, in service of showing that neurodivergence isn’t a problem, it’s precious Medicine for the world.

How does this image resonate with you?

P.S. you can listen to part 1 here, do let me know if you have any questions for part 2.


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Decades before I knew I was autistic, ADHD or dyspraxic, I knew I was dyscalculic.
