2.5 myths about making a living from doing your Soul Work

The myth: The easy part is discovering what your Soul Work is (AKA if you really had a soul purpose, wouldn’t you already know it?).

The reality: For many people this is the hardest part of all. I spent decades searching, knowing I was here for something deeper and more meaningful than running corporate websites (not that I’m knocking that, that might well be someone’s Soul Work, it just wasn’t mine) but couldn’t figure out what the flip it was.

Discovering our Soul Work often takes time, a few dark nights of the soul, guidance, initiation, and a good dollop of magic – it’s very rarely the easy part. I’m in conversation with people right now who are feeling called to ‘Waking The Wild Medicine’ but are worried that not knowing what their Medicine is means they’re not ready for it.

In fact, it’s more likely to mean that it’s perfect for them – they’re feeling the call *because* they’ve already given it more than enough time and endured the darkest of nights and they’re now ready for the guidance, initiation and magic that will allow them to discover their Wild Medicine and therefore what they’re here to do.


The myth: Making a living doing your Soul Work should come easily (AKA “Build it and they will come”)

The reality: Discovering my Soul Work didn’t automagically create an obstacle-free path to actualising it, in fact, that’s where the gauntlet begins.

There’s a deep connection between our Wild Medicine and who it is for – I’d go as far to say, it’s not really Medicine until the right people are taking it.

And that’s where a huge obstacle to doing our Soul Work looms for many of us and we find ourselves saying things like…

-“I’m no good at marketing.”

-“I cringe when it comes to selling.”

-“Surely if what I do is needed then people would already be queuing to buy it?”

As is so often the case, the obstacle is the way.

When we’re truly embodying and expressing our Wild Medicine, no matter what we’re doing… even and especially sales and marketing… it’s *all* our Soul Work.

When our people read our posts, listen to our podcasts, or watch our fb lives they are already taking our Medicine, long before they’ve paid us a penny.

I meet very few people to whom this comes naturally – happily, I’ve also met very few people who we can’t guide into this way of being in the world.


2.5 The myth: You’re a dreamer to think there’s more to life than finding a decent job to pay bills until you die (AKA get real!)

The reality: Yes, you’re a dreamer (all the best people are) and actually, you can create your life however your soul desires, in the deepest alignment with the gift you are.

Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to: Go deeper – Primal Happiness –

#soulwork #soulpurpose #wakingthewild

Artwork by Alex Grodkiewicz, Unsplash


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