11 signs that you’re a Magical One

  1. You’ve never really felt like you fit in though you’ve tried your damnedest to do so (hello, Raven trying to be a pigeon).

  2. You’ve struggled with hallucinations, migraines, visions or dissociative episodes (or maybe you’re like me and you can replace that ‘or’ with an ‘and’.)

  3. You have an energetic struggle with your heart: either you struggle to feel your heart at all (I used to think heartache was just a metaphor) or you feel way too much.

  4. You’ve often been called “too sensitive”: lights, sounds, textures, clothings and smells all can be too much for you. My husband has described me like a pedigree race horse, in that I’m so finely tuned the slightest change in light or smell can throw me off track.

  5. You’ve spent your life cycling through different passions and obsessions (the latter being the word that your loved ones tend to use to describe them).

  6. You may have a diagnosis of dyspraxia, dyslexia, dyscalculia or autism (if you’re a women, read up on Asperger’s in females – we present very differently to men) or even though you’ve been consistently told that you display the traits, you’ve never dared to get a diagnosis.

  7. You’ve accidentally manifested incredible (and sometimes entirely unwanted) things soon – sometimes immediately – after a fleeting thought about them, to the extent that you’re now very careful what you think about.

  8. You secretly fear there’s something dangerous within you that if freed could be harmful to yourself and others.

  9. Money is a mystery to you, it’s not so much that you can’t have it, it just feels misty and intangible and therefore hard to keep track of or master.

  10. You’ve experienced frighteningly accurate premonitions but you keep them to yourself for fear of what others might think of you.

  11. You’ve always felt you’re here to do something important but worry you’re going to run out of time before you can do it.

If you’ve said yes to many of these signs… congratulations! It’s likely you’re a Raven, a magical one, someone with potent medicine for the world.

Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to: Go Deeper

Artwork by Valentin Petkov, Unsplash


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