How to go from imprisoned by people-pleasing to living from a brave heart

This week’s show is with Kate Motley, a holder of sacred circles for women. 

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Having quit her life long profession as a dental hygienist due to chronic back and shoulder pain, and navigating all the additional challenges that arose with that, she began on a long journey of self discovery to reconnect her back to her sense of self and what she was here for.

The endless fears she has faced along the way, and her own personal resistance to the work that is required, has given rise to a deeply embodied upstanding of what it is like to transform overwhelming feelings of shame, into loving ourselves back to life.

Kate’s experience has ignited a passion in her to support women who may also have experienced a disconnection to themselves. Through her offering of women’s sharing circles, Kate creates the opportunity for women to share their hearts in the presence of others. This, she feels, is one of the most potent ways to deeply acknowledge and show love to those lost parts of us that so long to be seen, felt and lived."

Kate lives in Jersey, Channel Islands with her partner, two step daughters (when home from university), two cats and her beloved dog.

In this show, Kate and Lian explored Kate’s journey from living her old story of people-pleasing and keeping herself small to embracing her new story of living from her brave heart.

Kate reflects on her upbringing, and how she didn’t even realise the effects of it until she began the work making it conscious and understanding its impact on her life.

They explored Kate’s journey of liberation and the challenges she faced along the way in her own healing, right up until the present day, when she’s stepping into the role of being medicine for others - which for Kate is creating the safe space for other women to be vulnerable and supported in circles, so that they can express their authentic truth.

Finally, Kate and Lian also emphasised the importance of loving and accepting our inner child when we’re in the work of alchemising old wounds into medicine, and the essential part of our own healing journey - becoming medicine for others.

We’d love to know what YOU think about this week’s show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • Understanding and uncovering our old story is crucial for personal growth and healing, especially when we are here to be medicine for others.

  • Resistance and fear often arise when we are called to step into our new story, but with support and bringing love to our inner child, we can move through it to take the aligned steps.

  • As Kate’s story shows, for many old souls, it’s essential that once ready, we serve our medicine to others - in doing so, we bring the deepest healing to ourselves.

Resources and stuff that we spoke about:

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Thank you!
Lian & Jonathan


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