What’s in the box..?

By Lian Brook-Tyler

As mythical, mystical and magical as Waking The Wild Medicine is, it’s actually the simplest of our crucibles to describe the results… that’s because although it’s very deep, it’s also immensely practical.

So this is what you get in the Medicine box (and in the most down to earth language I have!):

Medicine guides you to:

✨ Know your unique self

✨ Uncover your deepest gifts

✨ Meet your money fears

✨ Harness the laws of magic

✨ Create your Sacred Offer

✨ Market like you’re simply expressing yourself (which done right, is what it is!)

✨ Conduct (and actually love) powerful enrollment calls

✨ Serve your soul clients

✨ Create your biz around your dreamiest, soul-aligned life

In short, Medicine is a business school, a modern mystery school, a sleepover with the most wonderful magical people who will become soul brothers and sisters for life, and Hogwarts… all alchemised into a year long adventure.

If you’re ready to discover and do your deepest soul work, not *only* learn to sell and market better, then Medicine might be the path for you.

All my love,



P.S. How did I do with keeping it down to earth? 😊


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