Terrifying acceptance

By Lian Brook-Tyler

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” - C.G. Jung

It is terrifying because it is the most shocking, confronting and disruptive thing… it triggers other people like nothing else when you’ll no longer gag and contort yourself to receive scraps of their approval.

And it is also the most healing, loving and liberating thing not just for ourselves, but for everyone in our lives.

Here’s some things I’ve accepted about myself that have taken me closer to accepting myself completely…

❤️Being autistic, especially the aspect of being autistic that means I say and do things that others experience as strange, exacting or aloof

❤️Beauty being one of my highest values - shallow, material, egotistical nonsense to many, a heartfelt spiritual practice for me

❤️Being dyscalculic and several times a day making a mess of anything involving numbers, times and dates. Only yesterday I replied to a friend and said “#3… this is me” #3 in his list being an older brother mentor figure

❤️It feeling natural to me to express my deepest desires and being open to receive them being met. This one might sound easy to accept and yet, I’m often told it’s something that triggers other women in particular like crazy. My sister often says it makes her laugh how I’ll say “I would love [insert what for others would be a distant dream]” and then it’ll appear in my life immediately

❤️Being partially deaf - this one was SO hard for me to accept and so I hid it for years, which meant I spent meetings in my corporate days lip reading, guessing and redirecting 

❤️Being so open to magic and spirit that I’ve had shocking experiences and feared going mad, therefore spent most of my life denying it and silently judging others for their naïveté or duplicity

And here’s something that I’m still learning to accept about myself…

❤️Being devoted to fully embodying the Feminine and all the politically incorrect, shadow-provoking, challenging things that it entails. Even though I feel I’ve accepted it; the fact I don’t share much of this aspect of me outside of WTW crucibles shows it’s something I still have some way to go to accept completely

If you’re feeling inspired to accept yourself too, know that it doesn’t need to happen all at once… honour that wise and wonderful nervous system of yours… what’s one thing you’ve been hiding, repressing or shaming yourself for that you’ll choose now to learn to accept?



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