Heal your wounds, Share your scars.🖤

By Lian Brook-Tyler

As you might know, I speak a lot about how our greatest gifts are held in our deepest wounds, especially for those of us who are changeworkers, healers and coaches devoted to doing our deepest soul work.

In fact, one of our deepest, most magical crucibles, Waking The Wild Medicine, is focused on exactly this ancient truth.

During those long, iniatory, and sometimes torturous, months journeying together, people get to heal and alchemise their wounds into medicine, first for themselves and then for the world.

I was diving deep about all of this earlier with the wonderful Tad Hargrave, and I loved the distinction he made.

He echoed that it’s important that we heal our wounds before we allow them to direct our work, and said it in such a beautifully clear way, in short: heal wounds, share scars.

We have a tendency in this modern world of social media, in which we’re taught to prize a new, strange breed of vulnerability… one of sharing our wounds before they are healed, which is too soon and too publicly. This often comes at a heavy price, often to ourselves but sometimes downstream to others too, who believe our innocent hype that we can help them heal the same wound, before we’re truly equipped to guide them to do so.

As Tad and I agreed, it is essential to share our wounds with others: trusted friends, our therapist, or in some other intentionally held setting.

This is why Medicine is focused on exactly this sharing and healing of wounds, and within a group setting… As I sometimes say: what’s harmed in relationship, is healed in relationship.

AND it’s only when those wounds have healed, alchemised into beautifully poignant scars that hold our stories, that it’s time to tell them to the world.

We share our scars to light a beacon for others who are carrying that same wound… To bring hope, to illuminate the path, and to bring love to dark aching, shameful places that have been begging for it for a lifetime.

Who is meant to hear about your wounds?

Who is meant to hear about your scars?

And honestly, my love, what healing is there still for you to do?

Art: Luis Royo

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