Are you a pioneer? 💫

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I chuckled seeing this photo yesterday… it was taken at a megalithic temple and I was feeling quite the intrepid Indiana Joneseque explorer.


It got me pondering that the archetype of the Pioneer is one that I’ve spent a lifetime learning to love the shape of.


Early on, it didn’t feel like I chose it… I was just a pioneer by dint of feeling called to do or be things before others.


Here are just a few examples… I was a feminist from childhood, whilst my classmates were trying out how their name sounded if they married their latest crush, going from Miss to Mrs in the process, I was a Ms who knew she’d live and die with her surname, simply because I wouldn’t be told what I should and shouldn’t do because of my sex; I was the only vegetarian I knew growing up - adding to the already long list of reasons for me to be bullied - and then 27 years ago I became vegan (when it seemed that no-one else was and dreadful soya milk was the only product available); I was often the only woman in the various martial clubs I frequented (including a men’s only boxing club); five years ago, just as #metoo was raging, I felt called to devote to embodying the Feminine - which has meant living my life and doing business in a way that inconveniently makes no sense to some of my previously tightly held feminist ideals and has required the terrifying and painful alchemy of my deepest wounds caused by the hands of men, and most recently, I’m in the midst of re-dreaming what it means to be autistic.


But I’m not rebellious or someone who courts conflict and I’m not concerned with working against the status quo, it’s simply that I do what I know is right for me, even if it means being the only one, the one in front, the one who is misunderstood and judged, the one who is pedestalised and demonised, the one who discovers the demons and jewels.


My Gene Keys Siddhis are filled with words like Valour, Honour, Rebirth, Liberation and Majesty, so I guess this kind of life was written in the stars.


When it comes to real magic though, it’s required all of my past pioneering to forge the readiness to choose it, and even then it’s been the hardest, most confusing, lonely, frightening path at times - but also the most fulfilling, beautiful, enchanting one too.


Some days I can hardly believe how lucky I am that I get to do the work I do, and that our students include priestesses, healers, oracles, shamans and witches… people who came here for magic and are ready to be the pioneers in their own lives.


They are often the first person who has embraced magic in their family for generations (though almost all of them will have had ancestors who were magical, whether they were conscious of it or not) and until recently, they’ve created lives that are the product of their focus on fitting into the mundane fabric of our culture.


But now they’re ready to be different.


And a magical life does require it - not everyone is meant to be the shaman of their village (which doesn’t necessarily mean *literally* being a shaman, though sometimes it does, despite our best efforts of denial… ask me how I know), but those who are, know they are different in some way, they might not have spent their whole lives obviously standing out like I have but they’ve always known deep in their bones that they’re different. And that difference is something they’re ready to fully embody at last.


If you’re one of the pioneers choosing to walk the path off the beaten track, whilst you might feel scared and alone at times, and whether you’re called to join other magical ones actualising the destiny of their wild souls within the protection and guidance of Waking The Wild or not, please know that you have my gratitude, love and blessings as you go.


The world needs the ones who are willing to go first.


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